The audience feedback I received really helped me to enhance the products I had been working on. When our trailer was nearly finished, me and my group asked fellow A2 Media students for their thoughts and opinions. We received positive feedback with a few pointers on how we could make certain parts of the trailer a little better. Asking people face to face was a quick way of reaching out to our target audience and it allowed us to get a more in depth analysis. We were open to ideas from people too, for instance our equilibrium was too long, so we cut that down and used slow pace editing. This really helped the audience make the transition from the equilibrium to the disequilbrium. This was evidently important to us, as we wanted to use Todorov's narrative theory.
Me and my group also used various social network sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Our target audience are teenagers/ young adults, so this was a good way of gaining feedback from them. We created a Twitter account (@ObsessionA2Media) and uploaded our products there and on Facebook to allow people to comment on them. Me and my group helped each other and we also commented on other groups work such as (@TheLastLaugh). I received really positive feedback for my poster and a few tips on how to improve it. For example, at first my poster looked really bare at the top as all the writing was lower down. I then added a rating, which was simple yet effective and looked like a real media product.

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